What makes our school special

At DIG we offer a safe, nurturing, sensory-rich environment where parents share in their child’s first school experience outside of the home. 

Teachers, parents, and children can work, play, learn, and grow together as a family and as a supportive community.

As a community we agree to combat racism, homophobia, classism, ageism, bodyism, sexism, and religious and non-religious discrimination. Nor do we discriminate on the basis of national origin, ethnic origin, ableness, special needs, or gender identity. We also believe that feeling and being safe is a basic human right and we wholeheartedly support Black Lives Matter.

We believe that a creative, developmentally-appropriate, child-directed learning environment—supported by family—can create a positive attitude towards future learning. We promote individual interests and offer a varied environment for exploration and discovery, we support the growing physical, social, emotional, and cognitive needs of the whole child.

The essentials

  • Child-led Learning, Play-based Program
    Creates freedom for children to practice and test out their new skills.
  • 1:4 Adult to Child Ratio
    Allows for individual needs to be met.
  • Focus on Social-emotional Growth
    Development is understood and celebrated, mistakes are allowed, feelings are validated, and connecting with others is supported.
  • Outdoor Classroom
    We believe children need a connection with nature in order to be whole. Full integration of indoor and outdoor spaces offers an optimal learning and growing environment for young children.
  • Non-judgmental Approach
    Allows individual to experience life for him/herself, with guidance, not control, building an intrinsic sense of self and an acceptance of others’ differences.
  • Family Participation
    Creates a bond between teachers, parents, and children.
  • Support for Parents and Families
    Strengthens family dynamics and well-being, creates an extended family.

If you want to be a part of DIG, tours available by request. Our tours are usually in the morning and last approximately one hour. You will meet one on one or in a small group with our Director or Lead Teachers. Children are welcome. 

Please email info@digcenter.org to request a tour.